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Chalkboard Art

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Chalkboard Art

kitchen chalkboard

When people ask what I'm doing in internship, I usually say different sorts of design: graphic design, environmental design, brainstorming ideas, sometimes even editing others' powerpoint which usually makes me headache... Anyway, I did something really interesting today and it's not confidential so I can share it here :-) Recently we're decorating our SF office and just embellished the chalkboards on the kitchen cupboard. We had a graphic designer made all the graphic and me, was the one drew on the chalkboard! (Graphic designer has already done two boards)

I thought the chalkboard handwriting in Trader Joe's were all done by chalk until today. Chalk markers make my life much easier. It can be wiped out by water so I don't need to worry about making mistakes :-p

It was fun at the first 30 min then my arm started to feel sore.... then my neck...

As people passed by, I always invited them to draw. But it seemed like everyone was quite afraid of screwing up probably because of the prevalent notion that it can only be done by designer / artist. I sincerely think everyone can draw and should enjoy drawing. It reminds me the typography practice I did in the first term in Art Center.

This one was done by pencil. NO OVERLAY. NO TRACING. It probably took 3-5 hours...?

There's still huge piece of chalkboard need to fill out tomorrow. Massage will be desperately needed after work.

-Will update the photos of whole view once finishes. 

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