Less is more. People have very short attention span on internet. 5 seconds - that’s how fast you lose your audience if your content doesn’t spark interest. How your website looks has lots to do with how you want to present your brand, but a bit more complicated. It’s like a journey that you take people showing around your factory. Also a platform that you can interact with your customers.

Below are few selected examples of my current work. Depending on your needs, your website can be built on scratch, or the built-in template at Squarespace or Wordpress.

Design studio based at Park City, Utah

Design studio based at Park City, Utah

Trend research specialist in London, UK

Trend research specialist in London, UK


Personal training based at Park City/ Salt Lake City, Utah
Project details here

Outdoor product company based at Kaysville, Utah.

Outdoor product company based at Kaysville, Utah.


Fine dried fruit company based in Boulder, Colorado
- Packaging design, branding, graphic design, photography, web design


Tanzania tourist company
- Photography, website design, branding