If you’re not a climber, you won’t come here. There’s no reason to. And yes I came here for climbing, and only sport climbing. It was a labor day weekend and I took two days off so it became a long weekend. I literally invited every climber friend (well it’s like EVERYONE I know in Salt Lake City), friends invited friends and it became a super fun weekend.
As a photographer, of course I’ll never be in the scene. But basically everyone is here.
We’re a group ranging from 5.10 climbers to 5.12/13a climbers. We had campfire every night, mainly talked about climbing, where to climb, funny climbing experience, and something not so important.
Replenish energy and clipping nails are essential for climbers.
This guy planned on sustain for 3 days on a box of cliff bars (and soup.) During the meantime, I was cooking full meal. I was really minimalist and I gradually transformed to luxury car camping. Why not?
Our crag dog Riley. You’ll see him in my previous article (The Finds, Idaho.)
Surprisingly Riley loved this guy while hating other male human beings.
Emily on Lone Pilgrim 12a.
Greg worked on Poker Face Alice 12b
Behind the scene - I bought an ascender before this trip for photography. But I didn’t get a ladder and it made pulling up a big nightmare. It was more tiring than climbing…. It was really fun getting some photos from the top. I also noticed that it got painful after sitting in my harness for a while. I definitely want to do more climbing photography but I also want to climb… it’s a hard choice!